Finding Your Purpose: The Power of Passion

How to Find Your Purpose By Reflecting on Your Passions

By: Josie Aiyla Lembirik

Many individuals struggle with finding their purpose in life. It can be a daunting task, especially when faced with important decisions such as choosing a college major, deciding what to write your blog or book about, choosing your career or starting any new venture. However, based on my recent experience when picking out the niche for my blog, I have discovered that if you can’t figure out your purpose, first figure out your passions. Your passions will lead you directly to your purpose. In the following article, I will elaborate on this idea to establish the accuracy of the theory that by identifying and pursuing our passions, we can ultimately discover our life’s purpose.

Passions as a Guide:

When faced with uncertainty about our purpose, examining our passions provides a reliable starting point. Passions are the things that ignite our enthusiasm, bring us joy and make us feel alive. They are the activities and interests that captivate our hearts and minds. By reflecting on our passions, we can gain valuable insights into our authentic selves and what truly matters to us.

Identifying Your Passions:

For those in college who are grappling with choosing a major, those trying to decide what career path to take or anyone else seeking clarity, it is helpful to start by creating a list of all your passions. Take the time to reflect and write down all the things that genuinely excite and engage you. These can be anything from creative pursuits like writing or painting to social causes, sports, or scientific endeavors. The goal is to capture a comprehensive snapshot of your interests.

Assessing the Need:

Once you have compiled your list of passions, it is essential to evaluate whether there is a need in the world for each of them. This step involves considering how your passion could positively impact others and potentially make a difference in society. Ask yourself if your passion has the potential to address a problem, fulfill a need or contribute to the well-being of individuals or communities.

Exploring Purposeful Questions:

For each passion on your list that aligns with a genuine need, it’s time to dive deeper and ask yourself a series of purposeful questions:

1) Why does the world need this passion of mine? Consider the unique value your passion holds and how it can enhance people’s lives. Think about the positive impact it can have on individuals, society or the world at large.

2) How could my passion help people? Identify the specific ways your passion can bring about positive change or assist others. Explore how it can solve problems, provide inspiration or contribute to personal growth and well-being.

3) How could this passion of mine one day make me money? While financial considerations should not be the sole focus, it is essential to evaluate how your passion can be transformed into a sustainable career or livelihood. Explore potential avenues such as entrepreneurship, freelancing or working within existing industries that align with your passion.

The Universality of the Approach:

This method of discovering purpose through your passions is not limited to just college major or career choices. It can be applied to various areas of life, such as deciding what to write your book on, starting a blog, pursuing hobbies or even making a difference through volunteer work or activism. By following this approach and continuously refining your understanding of your passions and their potential impact, you can move closer to uncovering your purpose.

Recommended Book:

If you are seeking further guidance and inspiration on the relationship between passion and purpose, I highly recommend the book “The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose” by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood. This book provides practical exercises and insights to help readers uncover their passions and align them with their life’s purpose. It offers a step-by-step process for living a passionate and purposeful life, filled with meaning and fulfillment. If this book interests you and you would like to learn more, you can buy the book on Amazon here

Finding one’s purpose in life is a journey that often begins with exploring and embracing our passions. By recognizing the things that ignite our enthusiasm and considering how they can make a positive impact in the world, we can discover a sense of direction and purpose. Remember, the path to purpose may not always be linear, but by following your passions, you are paving the way to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Author: Josie Aiyla Lembirik | How 2 Avenue
Published: April 27, 2023
Last Updated: May 25, 2023